Hive Sharing Program
This program was created for people to enjoy unique, local, unpasteurized, artisanal honey from the nectar of the vast variety of plant life in the gardens, fields and wildflowers found here in our area. Becoming a member is easy and anyone can participate. You just choose a quarter, half or whole hive and the share of the honey produced by that colony is delivered to your door shortly after it is harvested and extracted. It will also help continue to promote sustainable beekeeping in the Yukon and ensure green spaces and weeds (best nectar sources) are protected and not sprayed with harsh chemicals. What is good for our honey bees is also good for our native bees who often struggle to find healthy and diverse food sources. It will also give you the opportunity to learn more about northern beekeeping and participate in this very interesting hobby (Optional).
Each year you can increase or decrease your share of honey for the following year. You can join anytime throughout the year. Typically a full hive will produce 10L-25L of honey per year. This is equivalent to 20 - 60 lbs of honey. The variability is due to our weather (Risk of frost and cold weather throughout the summer).
All equipment is new and must be built and painted (~$300), bees must also be sourced and ordered (~$350), so the initial cost is higher. In the second year and thereafter the cost of local, unpasteurized, artisan honey is significantly cheaper. You can trade up or down in each year.
Yearly Rates Year One Years 2+
Full Hive $ 800.00 $ 350.00
1/2 Hive $ 450.00 $ 200.00
1/4 Hive $ 250.00 $ 100.00
You are purchasing the honey, not the hives. Payment is up front and a contract will be e-mailed to you. Occasional e-mail updates will be sent so you can see how your hive is doing over the year. You will also be funding my Northern Beekeeping Initiatives to better understand and improve beekeeping in the north (e.g. Disease Mitigation, Wintering, Bee Forage, Honey Yields).
You are most welcome to join me on one of the days I inspect the hive. I have extra bee suits.
Contact me at