Yukon Beekeeping Snapshot
•Handful of small commercial/serious hobbyist (Watson Lake, Takhini, Carcross) with room for more
•Increasing number of 1st time beekeepers in Yukon triggered by media exposure of world bee population
•Start of Facebook “North of 60 Beekeeping – Yukon” (500+ members) and introduction to beekeeping course has provided beginners with the information needed to get started.
•Estimated 100 to 150 hives across Yukon with a much larger potential
•Yukon hive products would have a unique opportunity to be branded as Fresh, Natural and pesticide free as they are not exposed to harmful substances
•Yukon haskap and berry farmers have started requesting Bee pollination services
•Yukon Honeydew Honey seems to be very common in the more remote rural apiaries
Yukon Honey Producers (Farm Gate Sales)
Doug Phillips - Honey mid August from the Marsh Lake, McClintok Area. Facebook messenger or home cell at 867 333-0177