About Me
My Location:
760m elevation
Mixed Boreal Forest with (Spruce/Pine/Aspen/Poplar/Willows)
A few open native meadows with native northern prairie wildflowers
Arid Climate 150mm to 175mm rain (April to Sept)
-30C to 20C (Zone 1 Hardiness)
Coldest -48C / Warmest 33C
My Bees
•8 hives raised from Nucs or from splits
•Polystyrene Hives (Paradise Honey Bee Boxes, Lyson)
•Goal is to maintain 8-10 hives and 2-4 nucs
•3 bee yards with 2-3 hives per yard each with hive monitoring (hive weight and internal temperatures/humidity)
Thank you very much for your support